Khaza Mosai Tiles & Stone Industries Ltd. (KMTSIL) is a listed company of the Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. in the OTC market. According to a letter from the Bangladesh Securities Exchange Commission, number SEC/SRMIC/2021-205/02, and dated February 02, 2023a new Board of Direcors was formed. Considering the existing facilities and the establishment of the company, the Board has decided to change the business type to electric cable and accessories business, as authorized by clause 37 of the memorandum of article of the company.


Company’s name: Khaza Mosaic Tiles & Stone Industries Ltd.

Incorporation no. and date: C-39967(1935)/2000 dated 2nd April 2000 

Legal status: Public Limited Company

Register office address & Factory address: 340/1Sonargon Road, Dhaka 1204, Ramarbag, Kutobpour, Fatulla, Narayanganj 1421

Email: khazaind2023@gma

Authorize capital: BDT20 (twenty) crore only divided into 2,00,00,000 nos. ordinary share face value BDT10 each share.

Paid up capital: BDT8 (eight) crore divided into 80,00,000 ordinary shares face value BDT10 each share.

Face value of the share: BDT10

Chairman: Mr. Mohammad Harunur Rashid

Managing Director: Mr. Md. Forkhan

Trade license No: 9905 date of issue 11/01/2022

Nature of the business: Electric cable manufacturing and accessories business.

Factory Area and Land Area: 62 decimal land with three factory buildings in Ramarbag, Fatulla, Narayanganj, Dhaka

TIN No: 582959620303

VAT (BIN) no: 004476605/0204

Manpower: 25 nos. first year